Chanel College

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Free Maths & English Grinds NCI

There is free Maths & English grinds in National College of Ireland on the 3rd and 4th of January respectively.

Please text to the following:

The Subject + Your Name to 51155 (e.g. English Colin Smith)

Students are strongly advised to uptake these free grinds

L. Woods

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Careers Clinic

This weeks Careers Clinic will run on Thursday Lunchtime(13/12/12) not Friday as many 6th years will be singing for SVP in the city centre.

Also 6th years are reminded that the CAO deadline for making an application is 21/12/12. You don not have to know what courses you are thinking of doing, you just need to make a CAO application and keep the CAO number safe. NB: DO NOT LOOSE IT.

See Mr Woods if you need further clarification

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

CAO Deadline Looming

Sixth Year students are strongly advised to make their CAO application asap. The closing date for making an application is 21/12/12 no excuses, no exceptions.
You don't have to know what courses to input, you just have to make an application by this date which cost 25 Euro online.
If you do not have access to a credit/debit card bring 25 Euro into Mr. Woods and you can make an application in school.
HEAR applicants should also ask their parents to get a P21 for the tax year 2011. They can be obtained by contacting your local tax office. Everything you post to the CAO should be copied and a certificate of posting obtained.
You should check your course preference with Mr Woods to ensure you meet all the minimum entry requirements for your courses.

Apply now at


Whithell College on the Swords road is now accepting online applications for all their PLC courses at


Griffith College Dublin is offering free maths grinds on the 27/01/12 & the 6th & 7th Of April 2013

You can register from 10/12/12 at

See map for location

L. Woods

Thursday, 15 November 2012

DCU/UCD Open Day this Saturday 17/11/12

All students are invited to attend DCU & UCDs  Open Day this Saturday 17/11/12

DCU  10am to 3pm
UCD 10am to 4pm

No students has permission to attend either of the above Open Days on Friday no exceptions no excuses

L. Woods

Friday, 19 October 2012

UCD Arts Evening

We are writing to let you know that this year's UCD Arts Open Evening is taking place on Thursday, 25 October 2012 from 18.30 until 20.30.
The evening will comprise a series of talks from UCD Arts graduates, a chance to meet lecturers and attend a talk by the Dean of Arts on the UCD Arts Degrees. To view the full programme please click here.
If you have students that are interested in attending and would like to reserve a place please ask them to log in or create a myUCD account on the UCD Arts Open Evening page and click register.
UCD Arts
University College Dublin

Friday, 12 October 2012

Sixth Year Sudents Important Information

Any sixth year students who has not yet had their careers interview, can they make themselves known to me ASAP please.

L. Woods

Thursday, 13 September 2012

1st Year Options Evening 13/09/12 7PM

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Following our meeting here is basic entry requirements for the University and IT in Ireland to help your son make the right decision on his subjects for the Junior Certificate.
Minimum Entry requirements – Universities*National Universitys of Ireland (UCDublin, UCCork, UCGalway, Maynooth): The minimum entry requirement for the universities that are part of the National University of Ireland (NUI) is 6 subjects, including English, Irish and a third language. In 2 of these subjects, students must have achieved grade C at Higher Level.
·                       Trinity College Dublin: students need a minimum of 6 subjects, with grade C on 3 Higher-Level papers and a pass in English, maths and another language.
·                       Dublin City University: all students applying for courses in Dublin City University must have 6 Leaving Certificate subjects, with a grade C on 2 Higher-Level papers and a pass in maths and either English or Irish.
Minimum Entry requirements - Institutes of Technology*Level 8 (Honours Degree) courses: students generally require a minimum of grade C in 2 subjects at Higher Level and grade D in 4 other subjects, including maths and Irish/English.
·                       Levels 6 and 7 (Higher Certificate and Ordinary Degree): students require 5 grade Ds, including maths and Irish/English.
Minimum Entry requirements - Colleges of education*Colleges of education require a minimum of 3 grade Cs on Higher-Level papers, including Irish, and three grade Ds, including maths and English
*In most cases supply and demand dictate entry (points race) and not the minimum entry requirements

If I can be of any further assistance please do not hestitate to contact me here in the School and I can discuss any of these isuues further.

Yours Sincerely

Leonard Woods
Guidance Counsellor

Monday, 10 September 2012

Higher Options

Any sixth year who has not already done so can they give 10 Euro to Mr Woods ASAP for their place in the  Higher Options on the 19/09/12.

Also any student in the school who has any used unwanted  mobile phones please give them to Mr Woods
in exchange for a H/W passes.

Thank You

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Higher Options RDS

Sixth years are reminded that if they wish to go to the Higher Options in the RDS, they must get 10  Euro to Mr Woods by Wednesday 05/09/2012. This is the most important event in the career calender and all students are strongly advised to attend.

For more information see Mr Woods

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

PLC places filling up fast

If you have not already made a PLC application as previously advised. You are strongly advised to make two applications as many PLC courses are already full. References can be got from myself with at least 48 hours notice. Change of mind for CAO opens on May 1st

L. Woods

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Supporting documentation for HEAR

Sixth years are reminded to get the required documentation for the HEAR scheme such as a P21, HSE form stamped, Social Protection form stamped etc etc.

Also all forms should be copied and originals sent by registered post to:
Tower House
Eglington St

This should be treated as a matter of urgency please

L. Woods

Thursday, 9 February 2012


By now you should have at least made two PLC applications, most can be done online but some such as Plunket College require paper based applications.

The main PLC colleges in this area are:
Colaiste Dhulaigh
Killester College
Plunket College
Whitehall College
Colaiste Ide
Liberties College

If you google any of the above you will be able to get full course listings and details

3rd Level Schlorships

If you think you are outstanding at a particlar sport or academic subject could you please see Mr Woods before we break up for midterm.

L. Woods

CAO supplementry information

Students are remineded supplementry information for the HEAR &  DARE schemes should be copied and sent by registered post to: CAO, Tower House, Eglington St, Galway. Please ensure your CAO number is clear marked on all material

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Colaiste Open Day 18/01/12

Colaiste Ide is holding their open day on the 18/01/12 between 4pm and 8pm. All senior students are encouraged to attend. See their website for more details

Friday, 13 January 2012

CAO Deadline 20/01/12

Any student who has not yet completed a CAO application needs to see me as a matter of great urgency.

L. Woods